Funding Priorities

From 1887 to today, our mission has been to care for those who live, work, and play in Los Angeles. We rely on the partnership of the community and people just like you to meet some of our practical needs helping us to provide high-quality and compassionate care to all who enter our doors. Click on any of the four areas to learn more about how you can help further the work at California Hospital.


Equipment and Hospital Renovations

Keeping up with new innovations in healthcare can be a challenge, but we believe in the best possible care at CHMC. This is why we have an ever increasing need for new equipment, because access to the best tools and resources can help save lives. Not only that, but newly renovated patient rooms can offer an enhanced healing environment to our patients and their loved ones. Learn more about how the Your City, Your Hospital campaign is reimagining patient care. 





Remember when music played via a CD, or when you had to go to a store to rent a movie? Not that long ago streaming our favorite songs or television shows didn't exist. We live in an age where technology is rapidly changing our lives, and you know how hard it can be to keep up with the latest tech gadget, tablet, or smartphone.

Now imagine how the latest technological advances can affect healthcare! All of our health records are electronic now, and almost all of the equipment used in a hospital is connected to servers. Images from x-rays are automatically loaded online instead of being printed with film. It is a whole new world out there with technology, and tomorrow the world will change again with new advances. Imagine the possibilities if we had access to all the latest tools and programs?


Programs and Services

Caring for those in need regardless of their ability to pay has always been our heartbeat here at California Hospital. In order to provide healthcare that is truly responsive to the needs of our patients, we must offer a range of programs and services that reach out to the whole community and promote healthy living.






"Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow." -Anthony J. D'Angelo

Our nurses and physicians are at the top of their field. In order to keep their skills sharp and knowledge expanding, we provide continuous training and educational opportunities for our staff.

Education never stops at California Hospital. From our medical students and residents to our community education classes, we are always looking for ways to grow our knowledge base. We believe that education can save lives, so it is important for us to provide as many opportunities as possible for our employees to learn the latest advances in medicine.